Our furniture moves around – often. The pieces we have are multi-purpose and we use them for many purposes. Sometimes my desk is in the dining room being used as the dining table. Other times it may be found in the living room working as a desk or in the bedroom functioning as a beside table.
The same can be said of our sofa table, server, bookshelves or the two square tables that are currently serving as a coffee table. Our futon sofa is also a guest bed. Guest linens and down comforter are stored in a zipped quilted bag behind it.
Most of our furniture is lighter weight so I can easily move it without help. Depending on what is happening we may need more room in the living area. I like that we can open our home to women’s spirituality groups, our small Christian community or Mary’s Pence gatherings.
Our living room is small, like those shown in these pictures. It serves as a living room, dining room, guest room, office and meeting space. It must be flexible and open.
Movable, multi-purpose furniture keeps it easy and simply. Most of our furniture is medium toned wood – so it doesn’t show dust. Another way to simplify my life.

The furniture industry has a real opportunity here.
What about inexpensive, lightweight upholstered chairs on wheels that could be used separately or combined into a love seat, sofa or sectional?
West Elm tries with their Tillary sofa but it is very low to the ground (at only 15 inches high for the base) making it arduous to sit down and get up. Also the back and arm rests don’t stay where you put them – not even in the store – very annoying! Also who wants to bend to the floor for the coffee table in this photo?
Many of West Elm’s coffee tables sit only a foot off the ground. The one below is only 13 inches high -really a foot high? Again, why do I want to bend over that much just to reach something on the coffee table? – and it’s not adjustable. It’s not only West Elm – other makers have the same problems, but West Elm had the promise of adjustable, flexible furniture.
Why not make tables that easily adjust height? Wouldn’t it be great to have a 40-inch diameter, round pedestal table that could be adjusted from coffee table height to chat height to end table height to dining height? Round tables make it easy to add additional seating. There’s always room for one more.
Or how about a 30-inch high dresser on wheels that could be used as a server, buffet, bedroom dresser, TV stand, or sofa table?
What about packaging ready-to-assemble furniture that fits in a vehicle smaller than an SUV or minivan? Why should I have to pay for expensive delivery or rent a small truck?
Lastly, when will someone make an attractive, inexpensive, lightweight futon??? You’ve all seen this “lovely number” 🙁 and this 🙁
and let’s not overlook this classic (which looks similar to ours, BTW):
Of course there are the Klik Klak versions which look slightly better but feel like cardboard.
The furniture industry is deeply asleep.
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