Spirit Sightings

Photo Greenbabyguide.com

We have “Spirit Sightings” on this blog from time to time. Today I heard about the following one.

A friend of mine was returning from a winter break in the Florida Keys with her husband. Because of bad weather their flight to Minneapolis was delayed.

On the plane she noticed an elderly couple nearby. They were very upset at the delay. Evidently the woman had an appointment at the Mayo clinic in Rochester. It took her many weeks to arrange this appointment. A delay now would mean missing the appointment the following morning. She was distraught. My friend noticed that she tears were in her eyes.

My friend said to her husband, “I could take them to Rochester if they arrive late to Minneapolis.” He wasn’t sure. They had children waiting for them at home. But she insisted, “What if they were your parents or my parents? Wouldn’t you want someone to help them?”

She took the initiative and spoke to the couple. She explained that if they would be willing to trust her – she would drive them to Rochester when they arrived in Minneapolis.

A flight attendant nearby overheard the conversation. “Why couldn’t a shuttle take them to Rochester?” she thought. She spent the rest of the flight arranging a shuttle from the airport to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

Upon arrival the couple was allowed to exit the plane first before the other passengers, and a shuttle was waiting for them to drive them to Rochester.

Spirit Sightings are really uplifting. I am so proud to know someone like my friend. These are the kind of people I want to spend time with, be around, and be like. People like this remind me that we can be so much more – if we only take time to notice and listen.

If you’re interested, read about another inspiring Spirit Sighting here. Actually, although they are not named, both of the women in these Spirit Sightings know each other. I wonder if they will recognize each other?

Stars and Spirit Sightings

Photo NASA

Do you know about Spirit sightings? Spirit sightings have some interesting qualities or characteristics. They are unexpected and turn conventional wisdom upside down. They also make us think differently. Here’s a story about a recent Spirit sighting.

A friend of mine was looking for a job, as millions are in this economic depression. She is also in school working toward a master of divinity degree. However the job that was offered to her was in a city 2 1/2 hours away. After pondering and reflecting, she made an unconventional decision. She decided to move to the city with the job and reverse commute for school. So far this is nothing unusual. What is unusual is that the job was a part time job, just 12 hours per week. Now THAT is unusual. Plus, once she made the decision to move two unexpected things happened. She found an amazing apartment (space, light, architectural details) for an equally amazingly low rent and her new employer offered to absorb some of her moving expense. I don’t think I have ever heard of an employer reimbursing someone’s moving expenses for a part time job. Have you? Sooooo, when we are willing step out in trust, the universe (God, ultimate reality) responds and supports us in any and every way that She can.

This is what we learn from the story of the Wise Men in the Gospel of Matthew. Like the Wise Men, we start out our journeys on the conventional path. Along the way we encounter star light, inspiration, or a deeper reality. If we trust, we will return to our true home by an unexpected and unconventional route.

Check out these beautiful star images from NASA. May you encounter brilliant star light on your journey!


Surprised by the Spirit

Photo A. Meshar

For me, the surprise of the Spirit manifests itself in all areas of human imagination. Frankly, God exists in our imagination or God doesn’t exist for us at all. Areas where we see the fruits of the Spirit in the human imagination are especially in education and the arts including music. It’s no accident that artists described themselves as being “inspired,” literally meaning “in the spirit.” Through this manifestation of Spirit we are endlessly surprised and delighted. We begin to see the world, events and relationships in different and unexpected ways. This is what makes art and education so transformative. We are pulled out of our limited way of seeing things.

But God or the Spirit exists beyond our imagination. The world is God’s pallet. Look around. Beauty, surprise and awe are everywhere. Reality delights and astonishes us. But we have to be willing to gaze on it with truly open and loving eyes.

Even the worst and the ugly can be seen as beautiful through the artist’s eye. For example artist Chris Jordan created this gallery Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption as a way to help people see the tragedy and devastation of our consumeristic and materialist lifestyle.

Look around today. Spend some time looking out the window. Listen carefully. What beauty and art is presented to you? Drink it in.

You may also like Stars and Spirit Sightings.

Christmas – God Within Us


Today’s the day we celebrate that God is incarnate (or “enfleshed”), meaning within each and every human person. God became a human person in Jesus, who was truly human. Therefore human beings are appropriate dwelling places for God.

God lives within each of us and loves each of us. God (Reality) is fundamentally good, holy and whole. We are a part of this.

How do we celebrate? Well, to begin with – ignore “Hallmark” Christmas ideas. These are based on cultural fantasy. Likewise, shopping, stress, and over-scheduling will not do. These activities won’t make anyone feel grateful, peaceful or mindful of the sacred within.

How do YOU want to celebrate the Spirit, Life Force or life energy that’s living in you? What will make you – and your family – feel sacred, holy and whole?

Some may want to volunteer or assist those who are struggling. The existence of poverty and hunger is an abomination to the very idea of Christmas. Some may want to rest. Others may want to share their abundance with friends or family. At your house maybe it’s a movie & popcorn? How about a silent retreat?

Consider clicking on one of the On-line Retreats above. Maybe a walk in the woods? A bubble bath?

At our house, we may have a late morning with pizza (post about this to follow) and time with friends. We shall see . . .

Merry Christmas to all. God lives in you.

You may also like Stars and Spirit Sightings, Celebration of Family and Winter Solstice.




Only 3.9 Billion Years Left

Photo NASA Photo Journal

As DH wrote in an email to me, “Wrap your brains around THIS ONE from Technology Review.”

Just 3.9 billion years left before time ends? Interesting to think about – and supports the Doctrine of Creation belief that time had a beginning and has a telos, meaning a purpose, goal or endpoint. Time doesn’t go on endlessly.

God or reality has a purpose and a vision in mind – even if it’s not a specific plan because we have free will. Actually all of creation has some degree of free will. This is because God takes a risk in creating and allows creation the freedom to be and to choose. We can observe this because we live in an evolutionary universe.

As theologian and scientist John Haught notes, a self-emptying, self-giving, but infinite God requires that any finite creation of God’s must, therefore, be an evolving one.

You may also like Exercise Your Mind, Stars and Spirit Sightings, What is Your Story? and Happiness is a Choice.