Winter Solstice

Photo R. Meshar

Today is the eve of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Those of us who live in the north are often more aware of this because the light we experience during the day has decreased dramatically in a very short period of time. Where I live it begins to get dark by 4:30pm and it is completely dark by 5:00pm. Those who live closer to the equator still experience almost twelve hours of daylight, from 6am to 6pm.

When the weather is so cold, there is so much snow and the daylight is so brief it takes a little more effort to participate in activities in the evening. Personally, I’m much more likely to want to light a few candles, make some tea, put on some music and curl up by the fireplace with a good book.

In the midst of all of this I am grateful that at least where I live there may be lots of snow, but it is frequently sunny during the day. When I lived in Chicago winter days were often overcast – and effect from nearby Lake Michigan. Sometimes it felt like I never saw sunshine for weeks on end.

The winter solstice is always an interesting metaphor for our own lives. Sometimes we seem to move in darkness or in shadow, not quite being able to see clearly. Cultural, social and family patterns or expectations can dim our ability to perceive reality as it truly is. Usually it takes letting go of expectations, dropping assumptions or stepping back in order for the light to shine in.

Light and transparency is everything. Reading, talking with others, reflection and meditation all help to shine light in our inner and outer worlds. Relationships, patterns of thinking or events can be seen in new or different perspectives.

Today we turn the corner. From now on the days will continue to get longer as we move toward summer. We will experience more light in our lives. The more we are in right relationship with our deepest interior, the easier it is to see the world clearly. The more we see who we really are inside the more the possibilities of the world open up for us. But also the unjust structures of the world and distorted thinking are viewed clearly as well. It takes courage to walk in the light.

May the winter solstice bring courage and clarity to your world.

Peace and Light to all, Roxanne

Photo A. Meshar
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