Christmas – God Within Us


Today’s the day we celebrate that God is incarnate (or “enfleshed”), meaning within each and every human person. God became a human person in Jesus, who was truly human. Therefore human beings are appropriate dwelling places for God.

God lives within each of us and loves each of us. God (Reality) is fundamentally good, holy and whole. We are a part of this.

How do we celebrate? Well, to begin with – ignore “Hallmark” Christmas ideas. These are based on cultural fantasy. Likewise, shopping, stress, and over-scheduling will not do. These activities won’t make anyone feel grateful, peaceful or mindful of the sacred within.

How do YOU want to celebrate the Spirit, Life Force or life energy that’s living in you? What will make you – and your family – feel sacred, holy and whole?

Some may want to volunteer or assist those who are struggling. The existence of poverty and hunger is an abomination to the very idea of Christmas. Some may want to rest. Others may want to share their abundance with friends or family. At your house maybe it’s a movie & popcorn? How about a silent retreat?

Consider clicking on one of the On-line Retreats above. Maybe a walk in the woods? A bubble bath?

At our house, we may have a late morning with pizza (post about this to follow) and time with friends. We shall see . . .

Merry Christmas to all. God lives in you.

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