Occupy Minnesota

This article in MinnPost by Eric Black highlights the fact that more and more Americans are waking up to the devastation of an under-regulated financial industry.

I have discussed often on this blog about the importance of speaking truthfully about reality. Language forms and informs HOW we think. People are beginning to realize this. Take a look at the language on some of the signs reported in the article. Here are what some of the signs read:

“Lower the Maximum Wage”

“The winds of change are blowing”

“This is not a crisis; it’s a slam”

“Capitalism encourages greed”

“Billions of our tax dollars went to bailed out bank bonuses and trickled down to cutting social services”

“Blame Reagan and Bush; Not Obama”

(Or, on the contrary:)

“Bush? Obama? Same policies – Join the Ron Paul Revolution”

“A 4-day 32-hour workweek = more real jobs for Americans”

“Wall St. Econ 101: Privatize the profits; Socialize the losses”

“No slaves; No masters”

“Wake Up America”

“The 99% is too big to fail”

“Eat the Rich”

“Economic Justice means forgive loans, not lawbreaking banks”

“Be Warned: The Nature of your oppression is the aesthetic of our anger”

“Corporate Greed is Killing this country and its future”

“We are still a colony of the British Empire under the jurisdiction of the Magna Charta”

“Health Care is a Right”

“Wall Street Cheats—Stop Naked Shorting”

“Audit the Federal Reserve”

“Corporate America: Join me or face your doom!”

“Money is not Evil; Buying and Selling Congress to protect Wall Street Is”

“I dissent”

“Tax the 1%”

“Can I please get a bailout to pay for college”

“You’ve Got to change the world and use this chance to be heard; your time is now” (This, the sign holder told me, is a lyric from a song called “Butterflies and Hurricanes” by a group called Muse.)

“We ARE the government”

“Jesus: Please rescue the other 99 sheep”

“This is what a global revolution looks like”

“We now have government by the corporations, for the corporations”

“Ministry of Propaganda: Fox News”

“If they are saying ‘Let them eat cake,’ maybe we should say ‘Off with their heads.’”