$$$$ Government Shutdown?

It’s appalling that both Republican and Democratic elites are focused on balancing the budget on the backs of the poor – mostly women and children.

As an American citizen do they really expect me to be upset that we are running a deficit of a mere $300 billion after loaning predatory banks trillions of dollars???? Further, no regulatory changes of any substance were enacted to prevent another financial industry crisis in the future. It’s back to greedy business as usual.

Meanwhile, a government shutdown will stop paychecks to thousands of struggling families.

What kind of moral values are these? Appalling.

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  1. It makes me want to start a new world order. Or at the very least, plant some seeds in some new order behavior, prayerfully water them, and watch them walk on water around this insanity.

    1. Planting some seeds for new behavior would get my vote too!

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