Visio Divina Reflection

Image Best Supper,

Here’s another Lenten retreat you can give yourself. Perhaps you have heard of Lectio Devina. This is an ancient form of prayer that combines both a sacred reading with meditation and reflection.

Would you like to go deeper? Recently I attended training on Visio Divina. Reading and reflection are used along with artwork. The artwork is the focus of the reflection and meditation. Artwork adds a deeper dimension.

This can be very powerful. Artwork usually affects us on many levels. Take the image shown here by Jan Richardson from her book In Wisdom’s Path. The imagery of meal sharing and community immediately come to mind. But further reflection reveals the round table, joined hands and loaves of bread. All sacramental rituals.

Go  deeper still and you may notice many ethnicities symbolizing our shared humanity or the human family. You may notice different connections based on your own meal sharing experiences.

Continued silent reflection may call us to action, a decision or a desire to be open to new possibilities.

You don’t need to visit a monastary for a retreat. Your monastary is your world, wherever you are. Make it sacred. Take a mini retreat:

Try it yourself. Select art and writing that speak to you. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably for awhile.

1. Read your selected writing slowly.

2. Consider a word or phrase that stays with you and ponder it.

3. Then bring the artwork into your meditation and read the writing again.

4. Take up to fifteen minutes to look deeply into the picture.

5. Finally, take 5-10 minutes of silent time. See what comes back to you.

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  1. […] may also like Visio Divina Reflection, Dianna’s Innermost House at Guest House To Go, or American Catholicism – How’s […]

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