Why the Fake Budget Crisis?

Here’s an excerpt from an article by Shamus Cooke that offers his explanation – and a credible one – of why politicians are manufacturing the budget crisis. In my opinion, it certainly isn’t concern about spending a few hundred billion, considering these same politicians handed over trillions of dollars to big investment banks and, even now, can’t account for where that money went.

So why the big debate over raising the debt ceiling for a few hundred billion that would benefit millions of Americans? Cooke’s main reasoning is quoted below. Read the full article Trillion Dollar Hair Splitting: The Fake Budget Debate in Washington D.C.” at GlobalResearch.ca.

Better yet he goes on to explain why resistance to big cuts at the local level is so important to stopping them. Read on.

“As the President wages a “battle” over secondary budget issues, such as how best to make $4 trillion in cuts, the main issues are already agreed upon. Economist Richard Reich helps explain:

“…the Democratic leadership in Congress refuse to refute the Republicans’ big lie — that spending cuts will lead to more jobs. In fact, spending cuts now will lead to fewer jobs. They’ll slow down an already-anemic recovery. That will cause immense and unnecessary suffering for millions of Americans”

“The president continues to legitimize the Republican claim that too much government spending caused the economy to tank, and that by cutting back spending we’ll get the economy going again.” (April 10, 2011).

This two-party big lie is not an accident, but an expression of a deeper held belief: that the U.S. government must be directed to meet the needs of the super wealthy who own U.S. corporations. Holding this belief requires that you gut social programs (since corporations hate paying taxes) and privatize everything publicly owned (so corporations can own them for profit).

As long as both Democrats and Republicans agree to these deeper beliefs, the country will shift continually to the right, with social programs and living standards evaporating. However, the stronger that labor and community groups unite and fight to save these social programs, the harder will it be to cut them; out of such a struggle will emerge practical solutions to solving the deficit problems of the country, such as dramatically increasing the taxes on the rich and corporations so that jobs can be created and social programs saved.”

Shamus Cooke is a social service worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action (www.workerscompass.org).

You may also like Prisons For Profit, Life of Water; Water of Life.



How Much is Enough?

Photo SpilledMilkCatering.com

Two thirds of the world lives on less than $2 a day. Our own U.S. and European trade policies and lifestyles contribute to this situation rather than help alleviate it. Net: We make this situation worse, not better. My own lifestyle makes this situation worse not better (watch Story of Stuff or read about the example of the Mathare Valley in Dispossessed to see why this is true).

That my own everyday lifestyle contributes to someone else’s daily hunger is painful for me to think about. Once I know this I am morally culpable if I choose to do nothing. This means I have to ask myself, “How much is enough?” and “How much is too much?”

Underpinning these questions is the understanding that my “right to own” or “my ability to purchase” doesn’t trump all other rights. Our society already recognizes this. We allow for eminent domain for example. This means private property can be taken when necessary for public use or the common good. In the case of hunger, my right to own/purchase is superseded by others’ rights to eat and to live.

So what does this mean in terms of my own life choices? For me, it means that I only steward the resources in my care. I don’t take them with me when I die. They have landed in my care only because of our inability to distribute equitably through our existing economic system. Further, it means that my excess resources must be used to help others lift themselves out of poverty. Finally it means that I should strive to use the least amount of resources that I possibly can until everyone has their basic needs met.

This is difficult. For example, it’s hard to look at my life and know that just in air travel I am using more fuel per person in one trip than in a lifetime of driving. It’s painful to see how much water I waste every day – even when I try to remember to use less.

But still, I feel that I should keep trying and keep learning. I can’t pretend any longer that I don’t know how most of the world lives. I have been to Juarez, Mx. I have seen hunger in south Minneapolis and even in Eagan. I can’t insulate myself from their suffering any longer. We are all connected. They are a part of me. What I do and how I live matters to their well being and their well being is critical to my own. I want to live in a world without war, without terrorism, without pollution, without fear, stealing and corruption caused by lack of basic necessities and human care. My own choices matter.

So I continue seeking new ways to pare back, use less and free up resources that rightly belong to others. I continue to ask what is my “excess”? My own moral sense requires it. It’s about becoming the person I wish to be and being at peace with my own integrity.

Many of the postings on this blog witness my struggle with this question. It is my motivation for not buying clothing for a year and donating that money instead. Posts that demonstrate redecorating through recycling and reuse are another example of freeing up resources and limiting what I consume. Similarly my interest in purchasing local, fair trade and eco-friendly products whenever possible.

I must ask myself, “Does my desire for a new car (or new XXX) trump someone else’s right to eat?” More and more the answer for myself is “No”. I used to think that my purchasing a new car supported others’ salaries in that industry. But now I think that I should be supporting industries that use those same skills in a way that directly works to solve the problem of poverty (see my post on the Non-Profit Economy).

Many others are asking these questions too. How much is enough? How much is too much? Even though we will each respond in our own way and with different answers, it is important we struggle with the question.

In the end, our personal spirituality is intimately woven into our lifestyle choices and our involvement for change in our communities. This logically means that morally a spirituality that doesn’t motivate us toward working to end hunger and suffering is a spirituality not worth anything at all.

There is a book entitled How Much Is Enough? by Arthur Simon that also struggles with this question and a new book Enough: why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty by Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman that updates what we know about hunger today. Go deeper. Learn more.

You may also like Budget Policy Choices, On Osama bin Laden’s Death, Non-Profit Economy and The Secret of Wealth From Ancient Babylon.

Prisons for Profit

Read Matt Stoller’s eye-opening article posted on Naked Capitalism, “Who Wants to Keep the War On Drugs Going AND Put You in Debtor’s Prison?” Here are just a few of the highlights. There are BIG problems with privatizing prisons. This industry has no interest in lowering the crime rate or in rehabilitation for that matter. Quite the reverse. It is about using all the cells and about expansion since this increases profits. More arrests and jail sentences are good news for this industry.

The truth is that privatized prison industry is highly motivated to bribe judges and the court system. Even home foreclosures are just one more opportunity to raise jail occupancy. Reduced state revenues or budget woes create a window to swoop in and provide their service at “reduced” cost. But is the cost really reduced? Studies on incarceration, as the article explains, have shown that it doesn’t deter crime or reduce the crime rate. Today the U.S. has more people in prisons than other industrialized countries – yet one of the highest per capita crime rates.

I believe that unfair incarceration does cost our communities billions. There are hidden costs as well. We are losing the gifts and talents of men and women while creating broken families. Parents in jail means society has to provide care for their children. A childhood that is series of foster families is not a foundation for a successful life that allows people to give back to the community. This is a VERY high cost to pay long term.

Others who are unfairly in jail, undocumented immigrants for example, create an expense rather than contributing to our society,meanwhile we stall on overhauling our antiquated immigration laws.

Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow documents how we use prisons to enslave the black/Hispanic populations and the black male population in particular. Watch her YouTube talk filmed when she was in the Twin Cities for the Racism Conference in March, 2011.

What does life in a typical prison look like? Read below Sister Carol Gilbert’s experience as an inmate and click to the Jonah House site to learn more.

Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2011>
> This is a letter from Sr Carol Gilbert detailing the first fifteen
> days at Blount County Detention Center. Carol is a wonderful
> storyteller, and the letter paints a vivid picture of her time there.
> The text of the letter is below, sent as an attachment (a Microsoft
> Word 2010 file) and can be seen by clicking on this link from the
> Jonah House web page: http://jonahhouse.org/gilbert_2011_05_25.html
> Peace,
> The Jonah House community
> jonahhouse.org
> May 25, 2011
> Dear Friends,
> Welcome to another of America’s gulags – this one in Eastern TN –
> the Blount County Correctional Facility in Maryville, TN!
> This is day number 15 and I want to begin the journey with a quote
> from Jarhead by Anthony Swofford and his experiences as a Marine in
> Operation Desert shield. “What follows is neither true nor false but
> what I know.”… and heard, saw, tasted, smelled and touched.
> DAY 1. Around 7:30 p.m. we are placed in a typical holding cell
> with no mattresses, 2 benches of concrete, toilet/sink combo and
> blanket given many hours later.
> We are taken out one by one for processing which consists of
> answering typical intake forms, fingerprints, picture and hospital
> type bright orange arm bands to distinguish us from the county folks
> wearing blue/white armbands, the de-liceing shower and stripped
> uniforms (black and white if new; shades of grey if older (the color
> everything becomes) and flip flops for shoes. The one pair of old
> socks, underpants and t-shirt must last until commissary. We were
> supposed to get two of everything but they have run out with 2-300
> extra. So no laundry bag or crate either. We make an attempt to sleep
> on the concrete slabs but it’s a long night. We tell stories, laugh,
> sing.
> DAY 2 – Close to 8:30 a.m. we are shackled, given an indigent bag: one
> small comb, 2 tiny bars of soap, 2 sample size packages of toothpaste,
> deodorant and shampoo. We are handed two towels and two sheets that
> I’m sure at one time were lily white.
> Carol, Ardeth and Bonnie are taken to the higher classification pod
> where all federal women prisoners are held. But Jackie and Jean go
> next door to the other lower classification pod – they would never
> keep all 5 of us together.
> We are immediately surrounded by women offering us books, shampoo,
> etc. Because the Feds pay so much to rent this space, we are to
> receive a bunk and mattress which means some now go without and sleep
> on concrete until other places can be found.
> The jail pod has a large day room holding 8 metal tables with a
> metal stools built in. Each table holds 4 people, for a total of 32;
> there’s one stainless steel toilet/sink, two phones with one cement
> seat, one shower in the center and a small open area. 8 cells are on
> the bottom floor and 8 on the top floor. Each cell is 6 by 12 with
> bunk beds, toilet/sink combo, small metal desk-stool, and a small
> slotted window frosted so one can’t see out. Most cells hold three
> women and sometimes 4. So far I have had only two other prisoners with
> me. 3 is crowded!
> This jail has no TV, no newspapers one can subscribe to or
> magazines, no greeting cards, no articles, no quotes from Scripture on
> a letter, no puzzles, no games, no books from publishers, no, no, no,
> and no! They do sell a cheap radio for $45.00 plus $10.00 for ear
> phones and $2.25 for a battery. That cost means many go without.
> Twice a week we are allowed to go to a cement cage outside with a
> net above to see the sky and feel the air and sun.
> Library cart comes once a week and each is allowed two books – a
> few good ones.
> Commissary is on Wednesday. A stamped business envelope is $.65 –
> $.21 for the envelope makes someone profit as does our liquid Fresh
> Mint toothpaste from India and our 3 inch toothbrushes (1 inch brush,
> 2 inch handle).
> Pens are only the cartridge and make writing difficult but the
> women get “vinegar bags” and use this as a tape to make them thicker.
> I’ll let you, the reader, research “vinegar bags”.
> Lots of commissary items are “Bob Border.” It would be interesting
> to follow the money trail for commissary. Another distributor is
> Maxima Supply, Holt, MI for hard candy.
> Our schedule is as follows:
> 6:00 a.m. Bright lights on
> 6:30 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast/Meds/Day Room
> 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Lockdown
> 11:30 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch/Meds/Day Room
> 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Lockdown
> 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. Supper/Meds/Day Room
> 8:30 p.m.– 6:00 a.m. Lockdown
> When we are in the Day room, our cells are locked. There are two
> stand-up counts – around 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. the lights are
> dimmed after 10:0.m. count but still bright enough to read.
> Meals –
> Breakfast – 2 biscuits, Jelly, Sweet, watery Oatmeal, Carton of Milk,
> Coffee (the only exception is Tuesday when Cheerios replaces Oatmeal)
> Lunch – Peanut Butter Sandwich – one week Bologna-Mustard Sandwich –
> alternate weeks 1 small bag plain Frito Lays’ Chips 1 cup water
> Supper – Pinto Beans, Corn Bread, Cole Slaw, Mashed Potatoes/ Peas/
> Green Beans (one of these three) Jello or Package of Teddy Grahams
> Every other night they will serve one or the other of the food –
> Iceberg salad or Noodle dish,Mashed or French Fried potatoes Jello or
> Teddy Grahams
> The phone calls are from a company called City Telephone Coin and
> expensive. A study should be done on phone companies to jails and
> prison – who profits!  A 15 minute limit and the call could be over
> $20.00
> DAY 9 – All seven of us met in an intake holding cell for Mass with
> Fr. Brent Sheldon and Deacon Juan Hernandez from Holy Fatima in Alroa.
> Maryville has no Catholic church as the Catholic population in TN is
> 2% This was the first time I ever went to mass in a holding cell and
> in leg shackles. (This jail has a practice of putting leg shackles on
> when moving outside the block no matter how short the distance.) What
> a gift to receive the Eucharist in this setting. It was here we
> learned we are not getting our mail. They claim we are getting too
> much and they don’t know how they will handle it.
> DAY 10 – I was taken out for my PSI (pre-sentencing investigation)
> report so both probation and my attorney were present. It appears we
> will be taken from here and moved to a holding facility in Ocilla, GA
> until sentencing which looks like late September.
> DAY 11 – Most of the women are here on drug charges of some kind. The
> drug of choice in this area is prescription drugs. The city is filled
> with these so called “pain clinics.” this is also a holding facility
> for women going to TN state prison. Because of such over-crowding in
> the 3 state women’s facilities, women can be held here for years! Both
> of my cell mates are poor and had terrible childhoods – drugs,
> alcoholism, lack of education, early pregnancies. Their stories and
> tears are like so many others in here and across the country. We are
> warehouses with no real help and one wonders how the cycle can end.
> They believe God sent us to them as angels. A 70 year old LPN has been
> locked up here for three years for killing her abusive husband and
> trial date is now set for late August. A disturbed, mentally ill
> woman here for 19 months awaiting her trip to state prison. The unique
> feature for us is that the women are all white! We understand the
> men’s blocks have lots of Hispanics from immigration and some blacks.
> DAY 12 – We were taken in shackles, down the hall to medical for our T
> tests. A great time to visit with Jackie and Jean. We were able to
> sing Jean an early Happy Birthday as she turned 84 a few days later.
> Our cell block was put on full lock-down at lunch. This means we are
> in our cells 23 hours a day with one cell out at a time for one hour.
> There was no fight but things were getting a little tense with a
> mentally ill woman and a few other women who haven’t yet learned how
> to respond in a nonviolent way. We do not know how long, but the rumor
> is two weeks. That makes for a long day and so most of these young
> women learn the art of sleeping – such a waste! The hardest part is
> that I don’t get to talk to Ardeth and Bonnie! Sometimes the entire
> block has been locked down for as long as 3 months or more.
> DAY 13 – Today was our first serving of FRUIT since arriving! A small
> serving of mandarin oranges never looked or tasted so good. It’s the
> little things we appreciate.
> DAY 14 – My first visit was from 7 – 8 p.m. through plexiglass with a
> phone. Four local peacemakers caught me up to date. These folks are
> doing the real work – SUPPORT Visits are 1 hour a week and your day
> and time of visit is determined by your cell number. Starting at
> 8:a.m. and the last visit is 8 p.m. This can make it difficult for
> someone who works and has the visit during their work hours. I heard
> on my visit that Sr. Mary Dennis has a sentencing date of September
> 21st.
> DAY 15 – The day is just beginning and our cell is brighter so we know
> the sun is shining even though we can’t see it.  Some final thoughts
> as I close out these first two weeks.I’m learning about the South with
> their biscuits and gravy, the accents, the country music, the new
> words for grandma and grandpa of mamow and popow, the missing or no
> teeth and the Body Farm. The University of TN is home to an
> anthropology Research Facility (The Body Farm). The founder and an
> author have written a series of fiction and non-fiction on the farm. I
> read Body of Betrayal (novel) which takes place at Y-12, Oakridge.
> There are some women who talk about the cancers, the class action
> suits, the deaths from exposure of relatives and friends at Y-12. I’m
> reminded once again how simple life can be, how little we need to
> survive. That grace is given when I see these women live this day by
> day and keep a sense of sanity after months and/or years in this
> place.The effects of a country that continues to spend billions on
> bombs and prisons can be seen, felt, heard, touched and smelled in
> this space. We are well and long to hear of your stories these past
> weeks. My gratitude, love, prayers and support.
> Courage
> Carol Gilbert,O.P.

You may also like What is White Privilege?, Solving the Problem of Poverty and Why We Should Listen.

Surprise! Health Insurance Improves Lives

A landmark study was published that showed – surprise! – poor people insured with medicaid were more likely to use preventive medical care covered by insurance and more likely to say they feel better. Wow, just like people who aren’t poor! (Sarcasm intended)

Health economists and other researchers said the study was historic and would be cited for years to come, shaping health care debates.

Really? We need a study to tell us that giving people access to health insurance makes a difference in their health and in their lives????

Dr. Baicker interviewed people for Part 2 of the study and was impressed by what she heard.

“Being uninsured is incredibly stressful from a financial perspective, a psychological perspective, a physical perspective,” she said. “It is a huge relief to people not to have to worry about it day in and day out.”

No kidding. What a surprise.

Post Script. This bit in the article caught my eye:

While the findings may seem obvious, health economists and policy makers have long questioned whether it would make any difference to provide health insurance to poor people.

I asked DH, what would possibly make people question whether or not health insurance would make a difference for the poor? He had a one word answer, “Callousness.” I think he’s right.

When are we gonna wake up and understand that providing low-cost health insurance for everyone will make a life better for all of us? Hmm, we could fund it easily today – a transaction tax for the Too Big To Fail investment banks.

You may also like What is White Privilege?, Why We Should Listen, and Power of Framing.

What is White Privilege?

Ever wonder what Native Americans think about the Fourth of July? It is a reminder of genocide from their point of view. Who were the savages?

Europeans came and took what did not belong to them. As someone of European descent, I continue to benefit from this today.

White privilege refers to benefits that I receive that I do not earn. I receive them by virtue of my skin color. To get a better understanding of how I benefit everyday day of my life from having the skin color I do (“white”) read Peggy McIntosh’s famous essay on white privilege: “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack“.

My advantages are not “blessings” – they are unearned benefits of belonging to a particular class and skin color. I did not pull myself up by my bootstraps. Rather our “bootstraps” are unearned benefits inherited from prior generations. For example:

  • If both your parents spoke English add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If you didn’t need to worry about when you would eat next, add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If your parents were college educated add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If no one in your household had a serious medical illness add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If you didn’t move frequently in order for your parents to work add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If you had access to good nutrition and good medical care growing up, add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If your parents were of a class, religion or skin color that allowed them to buy property or own a home, add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If your family could leverage that home or property to pay for college education, low interest home equity loans or to start a business, add one inch to your bootstraps.
  • If you grew up in a neighborhood without violence add one inch to your bootstraps.

Not everyone is given the same bootstraps. Our bootstraps (our abilities, skills and benefits) are the result of privileges given to some, but not to others.

Benefiting from a system that favors some over others is NOT “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps.” We need to start speaking truthfully and seeing reality as it really is.

Now that you know, what will you do?

Recognizing the systemic nature of discrimination isn’t about working for rights for blacks, Hispanics or women, etc. It is about changing laws and practices so that we have the same human rights for everyone.

Learn more.

Listen to Michelle Alexander on YouTube or read her book The New Jim Crow to learn how our nation’s prison system has become another racial caste system in use in our country today.

You may also like Myth of Objective Reporting, White Privilege, Poverty is a Luxury We Can NOT Afford and Truth or Consequences.