For Lent I Gave Up . . .


Yesterday I saw this posted online, “For Lent I gave up . . . period. I just gave up” and I laughed out loud. Lest you think the poster was depressed and that I have a perverse sense of humor, she was quick to note that ending it all was not what she meant.

Part of the task of  adulthood is being able to accept reality as it really is – in all its beauty and messiness. This means giving up other expectations – of changing other people, for one. Expecting the world to be different than it is, for another.

Instead we are called to surrender to reality as it really is and to what the universe is calling us to do, not what our family, culture or ego think we should do – or worse, what we  wish other people would do.

Surrendering is a good practice for Lent. Just give up. Then observe carefully and see what reality is offering to you!