Resisting Patriarchy

Resisting patriarchy. Some ways that both women and men can resist patriarchy:

Political action to end world slavery of women and girls.

Work to change the legal system so that “equality” doesn’t mean treating women the same as men. Women have different needs than men, especially with regard to pregnancy and children. Those needs must be accounted for.

Work to provide support networks for prostitutes – the victims of enslavement typically since childhood – and arrest the perpetrators, the johns and pimps.

Mandate that both women and men must take time off for family care so women are no longer penalized at work for caring for children or parents.

Learn how, even with affirmative action, huge wealth continues to be unfairly transferred from women to men at work. Seek to end practices of nepotism and collusion that allow this.

Support women-owned businesses and services whenever possible.

Be accurate in speech. Insist on gender inclusive language; humankind (instead of “mankind”), women and men (not simply “men”), mail carrier (not “mailman”), etc.

Speak accurately about things as they really are. For example, acknowledge that prostitutes are the victims – not the criminals – in illegal prostitution.

Acknowledge that fear for their safety means that anywhere in the U.S., women alone are not safe – after dark or during the day. Attackers are men.

Re-train women and girls not to blindly hand over their authority or trust to men in positions of authority – whether they are doctors, teachers, pastors, etc.

Most of all, education – especially for women and girls who are often denied psychological, emotional and monetary support for college in this country and basic education in other countries. Education is a human right.

What other ways? Tell us what works for you.