Of Passion Fruit, Persimmons and Pomegranates

Passion Fruit

Fresh Figs

Being married to someone from another culture means that many day-to-day assumptions are different. But this can be fun and interesting. For example, if I have “fruit” on my grocery list I will check for apples, oranges, bananas or pears in the produce department. On the other hand, if you are from the Middle East and you have “fruit” on your grocery list this time of year, you are very apt to come home with small amounts of passion fruit, persimmons, pomegranates, figs and dates. Maybe even kumquats. This makes for a delectable fruit bowl on my dining table.

Persimmons are truly a romantic fruit. Intensely sweet, when ripened, they are like eating a golden-orange jam right from the fruit itself. Passion fruit is another memorable experience. A little goes a long way. They are a little more expensive but only buy one or two. Choose those that are heavier, they will have more fruit. Cut one open. Eat it slowly and savor.

Next time you are at the grocery store check for other fruit, or vegetables, that you wouldn’t normally look for. We often find many new greens or root vegetables that are unusual for us and yet grown locally. This is great because we can support local agriculture while trying new things.

Who knew there was so much richness and romance right in my local produce department? – but it’s there, waiting for us.

What can you try that is new? Explore. Try it out. Check online to see how you prepare it. Sample the lush vegetarian world at our fingertips. See what you think.


Passion Fruit Sliced
Whole Persimmons