Make Your $$ Do More – Use Cash


We vote with our dollars everytime we buy something. Use your hard earned money to do more. Buy strategically by looking for fair trade and sustainable items. Use cash when you can.

Recently a commenter on Naked Capitalism made some points worth considering about why it’s better to pay with cash.

“Paying cash to the small merchants in your community helps them in many ways. It avoids the skimming off of percentages from the credit card companies, it avoids the imposition of debit card swipe fees on merchants or you, and it gives them an alternate to begging for credit to make payroll.

If you are scared of carrying much cash, write checks.

. . . Plastic is for proliferate pushover pansies pretending that convenience trumps all.”

I think she or he makes a good point. From now on, I will use cash when I can – like at the grocery store or a local restaurant.

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