Trinity Yoga

Fun, new things are happening over at Trinity Yoga. Trinity Yoga is a new addition to InnerPacific’s blog roll.

Check out the Trinity Yoga flyer below, then do something nice for yourself!

Discover Your True Nature With Ayurveda!


So what’s YOUR dosha?  Are you Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or a combination of two?  Or all three?  And what does that mean in terms of your lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, relaxation, etc.? Are you making choices that honor who you are?  Or are your choices taking you farther away from your True Self?  Prior to this workshop, you will take a Quiz to determine what your dosha type is.  Then in the workshop we will discuss what the doshas are, how they came to be, and what it means for you.  You will be amazed at what just a little knowledge of Ayurvedic wisdom can bring to your life!  All participants will receive $10 off a personal Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultation with Keri.  Click to find out when & where!

New Website Design!

And while you’re checking out the workshop, take a cruise through the new and improved Trinity Yoga Website!  It’s brighter, lighter, and more energetic than before, which feels just right for what is on tap for us this year.

Blog, Blog, Blog

Or for fun, you may want to read about my Ayurvedic Cleanse experience I completed in April on my Blog!  Any personal detoxing experiences?  I’d love to hear about them!

And don’t forget the Yoga Flipper Program…


Try Trinity Yoga’s Spring/Summer “Flipper Program”!  You can be a Little Flipper (5 classes), Big Flipper (10 classes) or an Unlimited Flipper (as many classes as you can possibly make it to, including your family)!  No need to worry about keeping track of missed classes or finding a make-up time.  No need to commit to just one day and time!

Spring/Summer Offerings

Flipper Passes expire August 31, 2011.


You may also like Yoga Wisdom, Spring Cleaning – Saucha, and Yoga, Sexuality and Integrity.