Israeli Breakfast Salad

When visiting Israel, I noticed that people in coffee shops and restaurants were tucking into big bowls of salad for breakfast. Could that be true? Yes! Israelis love salad for breakfast and they grow fabulous vegetables year ’round. So why not?

We try to do the same at our house too. DH cuts up more than a dozen vegies to create a colorful, flavorful salad that we keep in the fridge and use all week long. We use it as salad, to stuff in pitas, toss into soups and sprinkle into omelettes or frittatas. When it’s fresh, crunchy, already chopped and in a clear container on a shelf at “eye height” it’s much easier to remember to use it.

Photo A. Meshar

Here’s a good tip: if you store the salad in a large mixing bowl, place a tiny bowl or sauce dish upside down at the bottom. It will keep any juices away from the vegetables so they stay fresh longer.

Otherwise look for a plastic container with a grid on the bottom, for the same purpose.

Breakfast salad might be served with an egg (fried or boiled) placed on top. Often the salad is topped with a dollup of yogurt, feta cheese or fresh herbs. Pita or toast can be served on the side.

So tomorrow morning, consider a fresh, Israeli salad for breakfast along with your cup of coffee. Your mouth and body will thank you all day long.

Photo A. Meshar