National Poetry Month

Photo: 2012 poster

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? I didn’t,but I love the poster. How nice to designate an entire month to remind us of the importance of poetry in our lives. Almost everyone remembers a poem that touched them or affected them in some way. As a teenager, many of us may have picked up a pen ourselves and created poetry that expressed what we were feeling.

I’m especially fond of poets Rainer Maria Rilke and Mary Oliver.

High Drama

Some people need drama – and lots of it. They’re not too interesting to be around and not very good as friends. But if you have a few in your life – send them this fun high drama video.

However, best is to not have high drama people in your life at all. Typically, they zap your energy and drain you quickly with all their high drama antics! Save your precious time and energy for living your own authentic life.

Links from this post and the previous one were from DH, thank you!

Be Flexible

Flexible people are very often also creative people. They can adapt to new situations. They can also see new uses for everyday objects.

Look around. What can you use in a different way today?

Photo Tumblr

You may also like Amazing Spring Flowers and Glass Goblet Harp.

InnerPeace – Rewire Your Brain

Photo R. Meshar

Recently Diane Ackerman wrote an article for the New York Times entitled, “The Brain on Love.” Basically it notes that when individuals are in loving and stable relationships they tend to feel safe, secure, content and even blissful. Feeling loved, safe and secure allows us then, to engage the world and others in healthy and productive ways.

But what about people who have experienced a series of unhealthy realtionships? Maybe, even since childhood? The good news is that our brains are endlessly adaptive and we can rewire or change our neural pathways at any time. People may work do this, for example, when they enter therapy – as the article notes.

What the article doesn’t state – is that we don’t actually need to be in an intimate or married relationship with another person. We can  meditate, enter long periods of silence and connect with that unconditional loving part of ourselves that exists deep within our own hearts.

The universe is holy and that holiness exists within us too. We carry it with us. Sometimes unhealthy relationships, work, addictions or busyness simply distract us from connecting with the love and beauty we carry inside ourselves.

This is why meditation, prayer (another word for meditation) and silence offer such an important place of healing. We can heal our distorted ways of viewing ourselves, relationships and reality around us.

Our brain seeks healthy love and compassion to heal itself – which paradoxically – exists within our brain. Meditate, use healthy self talk. Rewire your brain pathways – a little bit each day.

Photo R. Meshar