Flexible Furniture Moves

Yet another furniture arrangment to facilitate serving a sit-down dinner in the original “dining” area and allow for more seating near the fireplace.

Lightweight furniture makes it fast and easy. These two easy chairs are sturdy and comfortable but weigh very little. Flexibility is everything and a nice metaphor for life I think.

Photo R. Meshar
Photo R. Meshar
Photo R. Meshar
Photo R. Meshar
Photo R. Meshar

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Endlessly Interesting


So far I’ve been writing posts for this blog for over a year now. I thought I might run out of topics for posts. But instead it has confirmed for me that the world is endlessly interesting and fascinating, as are people. There is always more to ponder, perceive, understand, be in awe of.

Quite frankly, it’s also made me realize that people who are bored are boring people. Evidently they can’t look past their own noses to see all the amazing things going on all the time, all around them. They have a self-imposed, limited ability to simply observe and take in the world.

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Half the Church or Half a Mind?

Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women, Carolyn Custis James, Zondervan, 2010.

The title sounded promising. According to the inside back cover, Carolyn Custis James has an M.A. in Biblical Studies – but you would never know it from reading her book. I want to ask, “Does she have half a mind?” If this is a book about the subjugation of women in culture and in the church, this author reinforces all the stereotypes that subjugate women. To be fair, she writes from a patriarchal, privileged perspective herself, although she doesn’t acknowledged this in her book. From the non-gender inclusive language for God to the militaristic images she proposes for women, this woman is moving full speed ahead to make sure that women never experience equality, never mind respect or mutuality.

Her limited interpretation of Genesis leads the reader to believe that she has never read a single feminist interpretation of Genesis. Why not? How did this woman get her college degree much less a master in biblical studies????

Her biblical interpretation reads like an eighth grader’s. Really, if women and men are image bearers – as she writes –  why does she insist on using only masculine language for God? There’s an obvious contradiction here and a huge gap in her own training and understanding.

With militaristic imagery throughout – she perpetuates an oppressive, patriarchal agenda; “God created his daughters to be kingdom builders” (76). 

To her credit, she rightly notes that the Church’s focus on women as married and mothers only looks at thirty years of a woman’s life and ignores younger & older women, single women – half the population of women (103). A message of virginity and “purity” (whatever that means) for women leaves out women who are abused sexually (104). Here she demonstrates that she actually had access to statistics on women. Why then didn’t she reference statistics on American women’s pay inequality or lack of health care and health insurance compared to men doing the same job? This is pretty selective editing.

She notes early on that women suffering is a global phenomena, “The conversation about God’s vision isn’t American or Western or middle class. It is global. I knew that going in” (19). But evidently “global” doesn’t include Western European or U.S. cultures. For the remainder of the book she focuses on examples of discrimination against women from other cultures – not her own. This is because she is mistakenly convinced that our culture already treats women fairly. She writes, “What makes navigating life for women even more confusing is the fact that we don’t live in a patriarchal culture. The West is egalitarian. Women enjoy the same freedoms, education, career opportunities and potential for success as men.” (158). Wow. What country or culture is she living in?

She actually says this: “Does the gospel’s countercultural message only overturn degrading cultures like those of Reem and Meena, or does it also overturn our own more civilized but equally fallen culture . . .?” (Italics, author’s. 123) Hmmm . . . other cultures are “degrading,” ours is “more civilized”? Sorry, but other cultures are not failed versions of our own culture. Our culture is degrading to women in many ways. However, if possibly, James believes our own culture discriminates against women in numerous ways, she fails to list what they may be.

What has inspired her is Kristoff’s and WuDunn’s book Half the Sky highlighting the abuse of women around the world. Yet her own subjugation to patriarchy is evident and real (although she can’t see it) in the very questions she asked regarding her own life; “Do I plan to use my college degree or set it aside?” Really? Parents who work at home raising their children are not using their education?? She asks, “Should I be a stay-at-home mom or work outside the home?” (36). These questions are VERY life limiting. Very few men ever ask them and those who do are considered different from the culture. No one living in a non-discriminatory culture should have to choose between work and family. Children are the responsibility of both parents and the community. Society should support the work of caring for and nurturing children.

Similar to Half the Sky, James never goes any deeper in trying to understand the systemic issues at stake. On p.40 she clearly realizes that it is women’s own fathers, brothers and uncles who oppress and even murder women but she can’t see this for the systemic genocide that it is. This same genocide is at work in this country too.

The fact is that women earn less than men and are  more likely to live in poverty in our country – a country that refuses adequate safety nets for women and their children. Women are impregnated and raped against their will every day of the week right here in the USA. Violence against women in the U.S. – women are killed at the rate of at least 5,000 per year – seems to have escape her.  She isn’t safe going into a dark parking ramp at night any more than I am.

Lastly, her proposal of the “Blessed Alliance” is about everyone working together for God’s purposes (146-147). But here it reads more like an alliance with patriarchy, militarism and Western empire. She is aware of her “blessings” in life within her “civilized” culture – but completely unaware that these are actually unearned privileges (not really blessings) caused by benefiting unfairly on the coat tails of patriarchy, white privilege and imperialism. In reality these privileges come at a huge cost – one she refuses to acknowledge. Yet illuminating cultural injustice is the very task of the Christian theologian. The gospel preached by Jesus is subversive for every culture. Ours is not exempt.

However, those of you reading this can learn more about the unearned benefits and ongoing wealth transfer of white privilege here.

Yes, Carolyn is a fully subjugated, oppressed, product of her patriarchal culture. With this shallow, tiny, limited and oppressive view the reader will never capture God’s global vision for women.

I recommend that you read or watch something more worthwhile like The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, World Class Theologians at Your Fingertips and How Much is Enough?. Then learn more about White Privilege.

Au$terity Arrive$

Perhaps you noticed back in 2008, that without any conversation, discussion or vote, Obama and our elitist congress threw U.S. citizens under the bus. In a big rush they unilaterally decided that WE – U.S. taxpayers – should bail out the high risk investments and fraud of the Too-Big-To-Fail-Banks.

Perhaps you’ve noticed that now you and I are paying for this. How so? Look around. Prices are climbing everywhere you look. Canned goods, fresh produce, dairy and meat – all significantly higher. Clothing items that used to be priced $39 – $59 just two years ago are not $59 – $79. These are HUGE price increases. Health care costs and health insurance costs continue to climb into the stratosphere. Our dollar is worth far less after creating unaccounted for trillions for the banks. You and I – and especially the poor – are paying for this fiasco. Why?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that the inflation index isn’t reflecting the reality of consumer prices. Why not? Because this “basket of consumer goods” doesn’t reflect actual shopping habits of ordinary people. Who benefits from this?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that one item that hasn’t gone up in price but has plummeted in price – your house. That’s because the Too-Big-To-Fail-Banks engineered a housing bubble by loaning Too-Big-To-Pay mortgages designed to fail, so these same banks could make money hedging against (i.e. profit from) these mortgages designed to fail, then collect additional fees by foreclosing. Plus these same mortgage banking elites couldn’t be bothered to register your mortgage title with the county or pay the cost of the title registration. So now, in most cases, the bank doesn’t have clear title and therefore neither do you!

Perhaps you’ve noticed that this is a crazy way to run a government, a financial industry, a country?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that the austerity (i.e. paying for bank fraud) forced upon us by these elites is the same as the austerity being resisted by citizens in Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Greece? We’re all in the same boat, baby. And just like the Italian cruise ship – the banking captains and elites are abandoning ship first, with the lifeboats.

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